Lost Sole #371 Dedication

Tucked away, north of the Beaches, in the Blackwater River State Forest is a magical place called Adventures Unlimited situated on the banks of Coldwater Creek. It is an outdoor enthusiast’s heaven. You can kayak clear, spring-fed creeks that wind through thick...

A true lost soul hanging with lost soles at a bus stop

When I moved into our new place I met the neighbor, Chip, very early on who owns a sign shop across the street. We hit it off pretty well as he is an artist as well, and we share many of the same views and interests. During one of our first chats he told me about a...

Upload your found Lost Soles straight from phone!

The One Shoe Diaries has enabled a new feature for fellow Sole Searchers to upload their found Lost Soles. If you are using a cell phone camera just text the picture along with your name and where you found it to lostso19C7@pixpulse.com, from there your photo will be...