CNN News To Me Interview

This video originally clip aired on March 1 &2, 2008 on CNN Headline News Channel for the news show “News to Me” with host Eric Langford. It highlighted the One Shoe Diaries and Sharon and Randy’s cross-country journey in a motorhome....

Lost Soles

Over the past couple of days there have been some tragic events. The terrorist attack over in India and a car accident closer to home here in Pensacola. While one is larger and resonates on a larger global scale, the deaths here during a car accident are easily looked...

Re-Organizing Noah’s Room

The time had come to take down the crib and store away all of the baby stuff we accumulated. It was so hard for us. It is the reality of Noah never being able to sleep in his room we so lovingly prepared for him. We had so many items in there that are so special to...

Volume 2 is finished & ready to sell!!!

As many of you know we self-published a coffee table type book titled “The One Shoe Diaries Vol. 1: A Journey Across America, One Shoe at a Time. Well a few months back I began writing Vol 2. At the time I titled it Friends, Family and Lost Soles, I did not realize...

Our poor friend Alice went in for surgery this past weekend on her neck and the last time we visited she was miserable. I was really amazed how poorly her care has been in this day and age. Especially since she was at the “Best” hospital in the area. Sacred Heart...