As many of you know we self-published a coffee table type book titled “The One Shoe Diaries Vol. 1: A Journey Across America, One Shoe at a Time. Well a few months back I began writing Vol 2. At the time I titled it Friends, Family and Lost Soles, I did not realize how appropriate the title would be. It was meant to culminate with the birth of Noah, but instead has become a dedication to him. It was the hardest story I have ever had top tell n my life, but at the same time, it is the most awesome story I have ever had the pleasure of telling. Everyone who reads this blog most likely knows the whole story already anyway, but if you have not, or want to read it in the book download the free eBook located here >> Both books, as well as other merchandise is for sale through that link as well. Please realize as self publishers of a 56 page full color book, printing is not cheap so the price reflects very little profit, we hope to bring the cost down if we can get a real publisher. If anyone can help us with a lead, please let us know.

People always ask if there will be a third. That depends on if we are blessed with another child, if not, I think the Diaries will be put on the shelf for a bit. Not sure if the inspiration will be there. Losing Noah really took its toll on my zest for creating art. Finishing the book was all for him.

Also many of you reading this are referenced in the recent book, either by a photo, or in a story. If I left anyone out I sincerely apologize as I value everyone’s friendship and we are thankful for all of our friends and family! I hope you enjoy reading about us and the magical events that happened to us. We do not like to call them tragic, because everything happens for a reason, and we truly mean it when we say…
Having Noah was the greatest blessing we ever had, we would rather live it all again, then to have never had him come into our lives. Noah wherever you, we mommy and daddy love you and hope you come back to us.