Nora or Aron?

Well we just had another appointment with the doctor and got yet another ultrasound (I hope our baby doesn’t come out glowing or with three eyes from all the ultrasounds :) sharon had been feeling a lot of anxiety leading up to this appointment because she had...

Message from Noah? Or coincidence?

In many of my blogs i have spoken about finding kid’s Crocs as lost soles, most notably, Noah’s Croc. (Click here to read about Noah’s Croc) I think it is not by accident I find them. And I am getting more and more sure of that every time I find one....

Nora Jessie Hamilton

Well, it is official, we are blessed with a baby girl on the way! And her name is Nora Jessie Hamilton. Early during Sharon’s pregnancy with Noah everyone thought for sure we were having a girl, and Sharon had already picked out the name. Nora was her...

When you wish upon a star…

Once again we were blessed with a wonderful gift to memorialize Noah. Our great friends Beth and Dave registered a star under Noah Charles Hamilton through the Star Registry. And to make it even more special, as the owner of a frame shop, Dave framed it himself. He...

Re-Organizing Noah’s Room

The time had come to take down the crib and store away all of the baby stuff we accumulated. It was so hard for us. It is the reality of Noah never being able to sleep in his room we so lovingly prepared for him. We had so many items in there that are so special to...