
I have used this title before for a blog, and I find myself once again struck with wanderlust Wanderlust – wan·der·lust \ˈwän-dər-ˌləst\ noun • German, from wandern to wander + Lust desire, pleasure: Wanderlust is a loanword from German to English that...

Announcing the start of the 365 Project

Over the past year or so I have been coming across people doing something they call The 365 Project. It is where for an entire year they take a photo every day and post it. It always seemed pretty cool and something I wanted to do, but never got around to it. Well I...

Hurricanes and Tornados

All my life I have been fascinated by the earth’s systems, from geology, biology to meteorology. Early in life I studied the dinosaurs, by age 5 I was saying names like Tyrannosaurus Rex and Stegosaurus. My mom treated me like a freak when she made me tell...

Our new home

It has been over a month since we moved into our new home. We are very excited to have landed this place. It is a unique home that is still within the same neighborhood that we love so we can still see all of our great North Hill neighbors when we walk the dogs. Plus...

Nora, an early mover and a shaker

We had another ultrasound and checkup yesterday to monitor the progress of Nora and the pregnancy. All is going well, nothing much to report which is a good thing at this point. “No Gnews is good Gnews”. (anyone know where that quote is from? :) But one...

Falling Out of The Van

Skippy, you will be happy to know, this is not another story about you. In addition to the Opel, another legendary vehicle I owned was The Van. It was a copper 1989 Toyota Mini Van. I had bought it on a credit card from a dealership in Cincinnati during a bad...