This is one of the best shots so far of little Noras face, I think the profiles look better than straight on. I don\'t know if this means she will have big feet, but it sure looks like she is taking after her daddy already, which is not good for a little girl.

We had another ultrasound and checkup yesterday to monitor the progress of Nora and the pregnancy. All is going well, nothing much to report which is a good thing at this point. “No Gnews is good Gnews”. (anyone know where that quote is from? :) But one thing we have been increasingly noticing with Nora is that she moves alot. She gave the ultrasound tech a run for her money when she was trying to examine her and take measurements. It is so cool to watch her move in there. She used her hands to shield her face at times, she kicked at the probe. It was quite amusing. But on the other hand, is this a precursor to what is to come. Is she going to be a restless child and not sleep a lot, instead always wanting to play and be doing stuff? Not sure if the movement in the womb equates to how they are as babies. If anyone has an experience to share or knowledge on the subject I would be curious to hear about it.

Sharon has been doing well also. She is starting to really show now. There is no mistaking her as pregnant now. her energy has been good and still working full days. She has also been wanting to get a game of volleyball or two with me at the beach.

Nora’s room is still in disarray. At some point we HAVE to get it together. I think somewhere in the back of our minds we are scared to do it, maybe we will jinx it all, we just cannot risk the heartbreak again if something were to go wrong. We are getting really attached to our little Nora now, much in the same way we did with Noah. We just can’t help it. We are excited to meet her.