Dogparks and Brewpubs

It was a hard thing to do, but what was previously our travel blog website, has been decommissioned. We now have visitors routed to the One Shoe Diaires where our blog now resides. But to keep the distinction between the old and new posts we...

Grade school flashback

If you know me at all, you know I love to have friends, and I do not like losing any once I make them so I try my best to keep in touch to keep the friendships alive. Thanks to the great networking tool, Facebook, I have an amazing way to keep current friendships...

Randy the Sheepdog, fellow sole searcher.

While googling “lost shoes” one day i stumbled upon this story on and thought I would share it. It was posted by rfloch. “Like many Sheepdogs, Randy was never a great ball player. If I tossed a ball or a stick, he would run...

Volume 3 is in the works

I have finally gotten inspired to start work on Volume 3. It is hard because this was going to be the Volume that followed the adventures of raising of Noah :( But I am sure he would not want me to stop writing. So while I dedicated volume 2, this book will be done in...