Best of the 365 Project: February 2010

It has been a very busy few months and I fell behind a bit on my projects. I am taking steps to getting caught up and this was the first one. I want to note, this marks the first time I made the cover be one of the contributor’s images instead of mine. I am...

Lost Soles Everywhere!

I have been noticing that there are more and more photos being taken of lost shoes and being titled lost soles than I ever before on the web. When I first started this project I was one of the only ones taking them. I know I was not the first to start noticing and...

A Thanksgiving Story courtesy of Noah

First of all let me say a quick Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I am so thankful for so many things this year, but most of all for little Nora. As everyone knows I am finishing up my book so it will be available for sale on Black Friday, tomorrow morning. In order to...

Complete Collection of Lost Sole Photos

Recently I have been doing a lot of search engine ranking research and want to see if I can get higher up in the searches involving the keywords lost soles and lost shoes so I am creating this gallery for that purpose. Let’s see if it works! I must admit though,...