
Momento- noun: A souvenir; a reminder of past events. Momentos. When I sit back and look around my office I am surrounded by them. In fact I seem to be surrounded by them wherever I go. They are little things that trigger a memory for me of a person, place or time,...

Upload your found Lost Soles straight from phone!

The One Shoe Diaries has enabled a new feature for fellow Sole Searchers to upload their found Lost Soles. If you are using a cell phone camera just text the picture along with your name and where you found it to, from there your photo will be...

Looking back on another decade gone by

This past decade, which I am not sure what to call it as the 70s, 80s and 90s just came natural to say, I guess it is the two thousands?? Anyway it was a very eventful decade for me, full of huge highs and very, very lows. I saw marriages come and go, eventually...