Grade school flashback

If you know me at all, you know I love to have friends, and I do not like losing any once I make them so I try my best to keep in touch to keep the friendships alive. Thanks to the great networking tool, Facebook, I have an amazing way to keep current friendships...

Randy the Sheepdog, fellow sole searcher.

While googling “lost shoes” one day i stumbled upon this story on and thought I would share it. It was posted by rfloch. “Like many Sheepdogs, Randy was never a great ball player. If I tossed a ball or a stick, he would run...

Volume 3 is in the works

I have finally gotten inspired to start work on Volume 3. It is hard because this was going to be the Volume that followed the adventures of raising of Noah :( But I am sure he would not want me to stop writing. So while I dedicated volume 2, this book will be done in...

New Orleans, LA

Sharon was able to get a flight home earlier than we thought which was great. I think the cold and lack of sleep was getting to her. Plus I cannot take care of myself and needed her home as well. But to do that we had to fly her into new orleans airport in order to do...