Ultrasound image of Nora's profile on 8-11-2009 at 34 weeks.

Ultrasound image of Nora's profile on 8-11-2009 at 34 weeks.

Ultrasound image of Nora's little face poking through on 8-24-2009 at 36 weeks.

Ultrasound image of Nora's little face poking through on 8-24-2009 at 36 weeks.

Well it seems these last two months are going to take an eternity. The first 8 flew by, but it feels like time is at a standstill. And if I think that, can you imagine how Sharon feels about it? She has been uncomfortable and generally miserable. Although she is handling like a champ because she, as well as I, know this pregnancy as a blessing.

What we don’t get is that it seems that women who got pregnant after us are having their babies! How can that be? For example Roger Federer’s wife announced her pregnancy officially just before Wimbledon and she gave birth to twins almost a month ago, and they were not premature!? When you are rich can you bend the rules of nature or something. I swear she was barely showing at the tournament and she was carrying twins!

Since the last time I blogged about Nora’s progress we have had two ultrasound appointments. Both were pretty uneventful which in book is great. Smooth sailing is good to me. However we did find out a bit of news that is unsettling a little. We learned Nora, like Noah, is a little small. Not a bad thing really, she is in the normal range, just at the low end. But where Noah was disproportionate with his head and abdomen, Nora is not. And i guess that is the real criteria we are to look at to see if something was askew.

Noah’s growth indicated that the placenta may not be functioning optimally. Which is not a problem if it is not too bad, which it wasn’t. But what had happened was that it was not working well at all and what suffered from lack of nutrients was the cord and not really Noah, but that is what did him in unfortunately. The cord just was not strong enough to be pinched :(

The doctor does not see any indication that history is repeating itself at all, and we trust our doctor. This does not stop our anxiety totally however, until we actually hold a healthy breathing Nora in our arms, we will be a nervous wreck.