Following the incident of an Iraqi reporter threw his shoe at President Bush, the president was asked if he heard what the reporter had shouted, he responded \"I didnt understand what he was saying, but I did see his sole.\" :)Well it is that time of year again, time to load up and head north. Which is going to be delayed for a day due to in-climate weather, ice storm in tennessee:( Well the CNN News to Me Show highlighted the One Shoe Diaries again and we got a lot of response, no sales, but it has been fun to interact with fans of our project. And speaking of the project, I am excited to be out and about on the highways again with the hope of finding a lost sole covered with snow! I have yet to get one with snow on it. Also one fan wrote about a show at an old barn in Knoxville and hopefully she will respond back again telling me the location of it, because I really want to go photograph it!

The weekend was also jammed packed with seeing friends and exchange holiday cheer, it was so much fun seeing everyone, we really had a great time!

Well gotta get going on the packing, and be sure and stayed tuned as we will hopefully find a bunch of shoes and have a few adventures along the way.