Upload your found Lost Soles straight from phone!

The One Shoe Diaries has enabled a new feature for fellow Sole Searchers to upload their found Lost Soles. If you are using a cell phone camera just text the picture along with your name and where you found it to lostso19C7@pixpulse.com, from there your photo will be...

Free eBooks for downloading!

These books are much more than just photo books, they are a photographically-illustrated, collection of non-fictional short stories that become a cohesive short novel. All 3 volumes are interconnected. Vol. 1 is a about a physical journey (traveling across the U.S. in...

Complete Collection of Lost Sole Photos

Recently I have been doing a lot of search engine ranking research and want to see if I can get higher up in the searches involving the keywords lost soles and lost shoes so I am creating this gallery for that purpose. Let’s see if it works! I must admit though,...

Best of 365: September

Here are photos selected from the contributor’s galleries submitted for the 365 Project. They reflect several unique and different perspectives on our world. Quantity is going down each month. It started with 31 contributors and is down to 12 :( But the quality...