Lost Sole #274, Dedicated to Jeffrey Pierce Rodgers who lost his life on I-110 in Pensacola Florida on January 10, 2009. May his soul be blessed.

Lost Sole #274, Dedicated to Jeffrey Pierce Rodgers who lost his life on I-110 in Pensacola Florida on January 10, 2009. May his soul be blessed.

Today Sharon and I were on our way to a “Liquidation Sale” at a local fairgrounds, and on the way I saw a lost sole, but decided I was not going to photograph it due to the precarious spot where it was on the highway. A few miles down the road when going from I-100N to I-10W we saw a black plume of smoke coming from what looked to be just off the highway. I noticed it was a big rig that was on fire and thought about using my phone to video the blaze, but Sharon did not think it was right, and it was just when she said that I got a horrible feeling in my gut. I closed the phone and proceeded slowly past a few cars that were off the road and a gentlemen directing traffic. Up ahead I could see a firetruck coming down the wrong way. I just knew it was bad.

As we drove on I began to think, was that lost sole I saw an omen? Was I supposed to photograph it? But the thought left my head as I began thinking about how horrible it would be if the driver was killed. We figured the driver most likely got out, or so we hoped.

Upon arriving at the fairgrounds and just about to enter we saw it was $7 a person, and screw that. I do not want to pay money to go look at a bunch of junk I don’t even have the money to buy so we left to get lunch. It is beyond me how in this day and age they think people will pay money like that for just the privilege to shop there? So many people were doing the same as us, once they saw it cost money they turned around and left, disgusted.

Soup was on our mind so we went to a little soup place to eat. We had to actually drive back past the fire scene to get to the restaurant. By this time the flames were out and scopes of police officers and firemen on the scene. But just as we were going by the scene, there was a Lost Sole, now #274. A large hip boot just lying there. I was curious also, was this another sign to tell me to get a shot. But it was raining and a lot of traffic so I opted not to stop since I was not sure if the driver has passed away. So went went on. When we got there and sat down Sharon and I’s thoughts returned to the truck fire. “How can we find out if anyone was hurt?” I tried my internet on my phone to no avail, so I called my friend Jason to see if he could go on PNJ.com to look. He told us that the driver WAS killed in the accident. Our stomachs dropped. Oh my god, we just witnessed a fire that had consumed a man. Possibly someone’s father or husband, at the very least someone’s son. Another tragedy. Just a few weeks back I came across an accident scene where a woman lost her life. All this tragedy. Why do I keep finding it? We both knew what we had to do. We had to go photograph that boot.

Firefighters use hoses and fire extinguishers to battle the flames engulfing the cab of an 18-wheeler that went off the road and into the woods near the on-ramp from I-110 to I-10 westbound toward Mobile. (Bruce Graner bgraner@pnj.com)

Firefighters use hoses and fire extinguishers to battle the flames engulfing the cab of an 18-wheeler that went off the road and into the woods near the on-ramp from I-110 to I-10 westbound toward Mobile. (Bruce Graner bgraner@pnj.com)

Driving back to the scene made me sick, I hated to get out and photograph that boot, but knew I had to do it. I got the shot and headed home. And so here I am blogging once again about a lost sole, to lost soul connection.

I hereby dedicate Lost Sole #274 to Jeffrey Pierce Rodgers of Trenton, Florida, the truck driver who lost his life on I-110 on January 10th, 2009. May he find peace and most of all, I hope his family can find strength to get through the tough times ahead.