Baby Hamilton at 11 weeks on ultrasound, are those boy parts or girl parts down there? :)It has been almost four weeks since our last doctor’s visit which put us at around 11 weeks along, still too early yet to tell the sex of the baby. Which is killing me! We have picked out names but are not going to reveal either one until we know if we have a boy or a girl in there. It will make it a lot easier if it is a boy as we have tons of clothes and other baby boy items. But life never seems to make it easy for us.

This was another long wait to be seen. But we knew going in what we were in store for, Dr. Maher warned us, but we are dead set on having him do the delivery so we take what comes. After the “weigh-in” we had to wait some more until we were called back into the ultrasound room, where we proceeded to wait even more for the tech to come in. When she entered we were happy to see the tech we really liked. She recognized us from before and was very sweet when she said she was sorry what happened to Noah.

Once everything was up and running we saw our little “Peanut”. That is the temporary name until we find out the sex, for which we already have the names picked out but not to be revealed until we know :) We heard the heartbeat and watched as little Peanut moved al around in there. Peanut was quite active juspoke with Dr. Maher and all seems to be going well. Our due date remains at Sept. 23rd. Almost exactly 2 months later from what Noah’s date was. poor Sharon, she will have to deal with being fully pregnant in the middle of the hottest months :( That’s not good for anybody.