We had only one evening in San Jose but it was a really good one, I will let Sharon write this one because it was her cousin we met up with. But I want to give a thank you to Greg and say that it was awesome getting to spend time with you and getting to know you better, I hope we can hang out for a beer in Oregon someday!

Sharon: Randy was sweet enough to give me the pleasure of writing this blog entry. While in Morgan Hill, CA we found out that my cousin Greg was going to be in Santa Clara, CA for a few days, which is only a 30 min drive for us, a perfect place to all meet up.

Growing up, Greg was like a brother to me, but he now lives in Washington State with his family. Now we only get to see each other every few years or so. I was so excited to find out we would be able to meet up and grab dinner together. Since Randy and I have been on the road, we have had many diamond days and this was one of them. We had a great dinner in San Jose at a very nice seafood restaurant, where we had a great meal and wonderful conversation. Greg has grown into such a great man and it was so wonderful to get to know him again. Randy and him really seemed to hit it off, which made the night even better. After dinner we grabbed a few beers at a local pub and laughed at Greg’s stories. We Would have loved to hung out all night, but those darn dogs make us come home early or else :)

Nights like those don’t happen as much as we would like, but when they do we treasure them in our memories forever.

Greg, thanks again for dinner and we will make it up to you in blue crabs when we get to MD, we promise ;)