A train passing by the lake at the RV Park in Redlands during a full moon.

A train passing by the lake at the RV Park in Redlands during a full moon.

The Fisherman’s Retreat RV Park in Redlands was a mixed bag. At one end of the park there was lush landscaping and well-maintained buildings. The sites were small but level and cement. We were assigned a site along one of the three lakes, we really liked that view. The other side of the park was totally opposite. It was the permanent sites and was filled with a few very well kept sites but mostly was old deteriorating motorhomes and trailers. Pit bulls tied up outside, trash piled everywhere. It was squaller living one might say. Pretty scary over there.

The park was next to foothills and offered numerous mountain biking opportunities. It was so nice to just ride from the motor home out into the hills for great riding. One of the highlights was riding to the top of one of the higher peaks and looking out over the valley as the sun was beginning to set. I saw two coyotes out there and the hawks were screeching overhead, it was quite surreal.

Another small drawback to the park was its close proximity to the railroad tracks and they proved to be quite busy. Probably a train every five minutes or so would rumble by drowning out the TV and any phone conversations we were trying to have, but somehow they did not bother us much when we slept. The nights were still cool so sleeping was still primo :)

While riding the hills on mountain bike on evening I came across several solo shoes and even a large pile of discarded shoes that numbered over 20 with only a couple of complete pairs in the mix. I thought it would make a good “find the solo shoes” type of photo. This was the largest pile of shoes I had come across to date.

One day we tried to go into Claremont, which by our calculations would take 45 minutes to get there, but took much longer. In fact we never made it there as we hit bumper-to- bumper traffic 20 miles out and we decided to cut our loses and bail out to head home. We did stumble on a good thai restaurant though after getting off the highway :) The traffic stressed us out because we knew in a day we were going to have to navigate it with the Cruismaster towing our Jeep.