Noah\'s Ark cribset purchased off eBay for $20

Noah's Ark cribset purchased off eBay for $20

Well the baby craze is starting to kick in for us. We are doing something I NEVER thought we would be doing…shopping for nursery items!

The fun thing about naming our baby boy Noah is he comes with a built in theme of Noah’s Ark. We have found that there is Noah’s Ark everything! Crib sets, pacifiers, clothes, lamps, mobiles, strollers, hats, blankets, and lots more that I cant remember. It was Ark overload!

And while searching I decided I had to see what the latest evidence was to the existence of Noah’s Ark was. They still have yet to find conclusive evidence. There are differing photos and theories. Some think it is buried frozen below a glacier on Turkey’s Mt Ararat. There are as many theories to this as there are bigfoot and Loch Ness monster. It was very entertaining to get caught up in, I even almost started to believe. But to think of two of EVERY animal being loaded onto one ship and then propogating the entire earth from one spot is a little too far-fetched for my brain. Which I believe most of everything is in the old testament. But that is a can o worms I am not going to open at this time.

And as I looked over all of the locations where the ark is supposedly laid to rest I cannot help but day dream of maybe someday climbing to the top of one of those mountains with my son Noah.

So if anyone out there has any Noah’s Ark articles we would love to see if we could work out a trade or buy it from you. Just shoot us an email. I think it will be fun to see what people find out there. And remember we are into recycling so gently used is just fine with us ;)