Crystal Beach, Texas before Hurricane Ike

Crystal Beach, Texas before Hurricane Ike

Crystal Beach, Texas after Hurricane Ike

Crystal Beach, Texas after Hurricane Ike

This past weekend we went and visited with our friends Alice and Wayne. As usual it was a nice time hanging out, and going to dinner for Thai food, and just enjoying each other’s company, like going to see family. Sometimes I think though jack and jinjer may have the most fun, they love their aunt Alice and uncle Wayne and cousin Keith. They always get so happy when they see where we are and so sad on the ride home. But they do always come away with new toys We are humbled once again by their generosity, and the neighbor’s as well. Thank you guys!

And be on the lookout for the new blog site “Alice’s Ailments“, coming soon :)

So now to get to the title of this blog. I have been seeing so many images of Ike’s fury. Complete communities scoured from the earth from the storm surge. After seeing these images and listening to the victims the feelings from the days after ivan come flooding back. Anxiety, anger, sadness and most of all fear, fear of where life will go next. Watching the aerial footage of Galveston reminds me of searching through hundreds of aerial photos of Pensacola area trying to see if our house survived and what did not. Then analyzing the tiny ima.
ge, which windows are broken, what is that all piled up on the side? Is the roof gone? Where’s the house across the street gone? And was there a house in the middle of the road before?

It will be a while before the residents can even get back to their properties to assess what is left. By then alot of mold and mildew sets in ruining almost anything fabric. The same will never come out of the clothes, ewwww, that smell was horrific. Made your stomach hurt and gave you nausea instantly.
I remember listening to any bits of info on what it was like on the island, the rumors that were not true, the rumors where the truth was actually worse :(

Those poor lost souls of Ike, now wondering, trying to figure out how to go on, and for a few, dealing with the loss of a loved one as well. How will they find the strength to put the pieces back together of their lives. I suspect many will leave, never to return. But the as we hear and learn very early in life, time heals all wounds. There will be a tomorrow and every tomorrow represents a step closer to being healed.