Baby Noah at 39 weeks :)

Baby Noah at 39 weeks :)

We got some really good news yesterday. Previously Sharon’s body, primarily the placenta, was not functioning properly. On a scale of 10 it received a 4 :( And the amniotic fluid levels were below normal. This gave red flags to our midwife and OB, causing them to decide that unless things improve the baby will need to be delivered in the hospital.

But after our most recent ultrasound, the placenta scored an impressive 9 out of 10!! And her fluid increased dramatically. We attribute this to two things. Her drinking more water than we thought humanly possible, causing us to pursue a water delivery service. And the second being her upping of Ambrotrose. Which is product that is a story for another time.

Maybe even someone smiled down on us as we asked for help. Doesnt matter, what ever it was, it was a small miracle for us.
So now we just let little Noah grow in there until he is good and ready to come out :)

Stay Tuned….

Update: We have gone again for ultrasound and stress test. All is still good. Little Noah seems happy and is growing normally. But we did find out that they do not expect Noah to come on his due date. He looks like he might be a week or so late :( Gives us more time to prepare I guess, but we are pretty much ready to have him now. Sharon thought maybe she was going into labor about a week ago, which sent us into a panic. We were not prepared at that time. SO we immediately got into the van and went to the store to stock our fridge. We also set up the birthing tub which we have since put back away. I guess he will come when he is ready. It makes sense that he is taking a little longer because he was growing kinda slow. We can’t wait to meet him. Sharon is getting a little impatient though, and wants to be no longer with child in her :) It almost seems done by design, that a pregnancy is just long enough that a woman is just ready to get her baby out, even if it means going through labor. They are just that sick of being pregnant :)

On another note, I have a friend who’s wife is also due at this time, Chad. He was a great friend of mine growing up. We had a lot of fun together and just recently reconnected. Had we had time last year around this time we were planning to visit him in Rhode Island, but plans fell through. He and his wife are very much like Sharon and I. They do things very natural. Do not eat red meat, or any meat that much. They buy organic and eco friendly products. Believe in holistic medicine. I wish they were closer as it would be nice to have a couple like them to ad to our circle of already great friends to hang out with and support each other in our beliefs.

So once again stayed tuned, one of these days I will be writing a blog and showing you pics of Noah outside the womb…