Sharon and Belinda posing with the birthday boy and his lovely bride.

Sharon and Belinda posing with the birthday boy and his lovely bride.

On August 13, 2009, one of Sharon’s favorite patients, B.J. Nicklesen turned 100 years old! And to honor this accomplishment a party was thrown in his honor at the St. Ann’s Catholic Church where he attended mass for over 90 years on and off. He even helped build the hall where the party was held at, the Nicklesen Hall named after him several years ago.

The Pelican, a small weekly publication in Santa Rosa County FL, did a really nice article about him which I have copied below. (well I am working on it, it is proving harder to find than I thought. It was a great article describing how they met and fell in love and their 20 years of marriage)

We felt honored to be invited to such a special event. His wife Chris looked beautiful. She is 89 but you would never guess her to be past 60 and she moved like she was still 50. Amazing genetics! I would like to thank the Knights of Columbus and Paddy Oleary’s for donating the beer and food.

We plan on visiting the Nicklesen’s one day soon to hear more of his incredible tales of his long and fruitful life.

Bj was in front of everyone singing to his wife of 20 years, Chris

Bj was in front of everyone singing to his wife of 20 years