Well it was time for another Miss Georgia American Coed Pageant so we left the motorhome in Pensacola for the weekend and drove up to Atlanta in the Jeep. We stay at the Westin Perimeter North where the pageant is being held. It is a very nice hotel and is pet friendly so the Puggles can come with us. They even have their Heavenly brand of dog beds for them. On our way to the pageant we stopped at a dog park in Piedmont Park near downtown. It was rated as a top 10 dogpark in America. It was nice, well kept and the dog owner’s seemed responsible, but not sure if it makes our top ten parks as there was no where for the dogs to swim and cool off. There is also a brewpub on the park’s edge that we did not get a chance to go try but will visit later in the weekend.

The pageant is pretty grueling for us, we work over 12 hours 2 days and 17 hours 1 day. The nice thing was we can keep the Puggles with us in the ballroom where we set up to do backdrop photos, and they behave perfectly. People are amazed how good and calm they are. But if we took them out they would be “willy nilly” all over the hotel.

We had a good time overall. I hit a few snags, I lost some photos, forgot some equipment and broke some equipment. We limped through it though and it ended well. The parents and contestant’s were great. Hopefully it will be financially worthwhile since we are trying to earn a living :)

On the road home, we were talking about our future plans for a gallery/studio and missed the I-75, I-85 split and drove an hour down the road before figuring it out, we had to cut over on backroads to get back to I-85 but the long route worked out for us as we were able to get some straight from the grove peaches and some peach ice cream. And to fit in with the way the pageant went, I photographed a shoe on the highway but ended up erased the disk and losing the photos :(

The rest of the drive to Pensacola was smooth sailing. I was hoping the next day’s photoshoot would be smooth sailing as well and not like the pageant :)