This maybe the most beautiful photo I have ever taken of Sharon or anybody else, something just so perfect about it.

This maybe the most beautiful photo I have ever taken of Sharon or anybody else, something just so perfect about it.

Sharon is now at 36 weeks, we just need to make it one more week until we are cleared for a home birth. Although we do have one obstacle in our way that could stop us. Noah’s size is not as big as the mid wife would like him to be :( He is currently in the 11th percentile on the growth scale. He’s just little. From what we can discern from the Dr. and midwife is that the placenta just cannot deliver enough nutrients to him. However when they do all the stress tests and such he gets an 8 out of 8 on the scale. Which is perfect, so it does indicate even though he is small, he is not in distress at this point, he seems to be a happy camper in there. As a precaution though we are to have weekly ultrasounds and tests done to monitor his growth and level of stress.

My feeling on all of this is that since Sharon is a vegetarian who just eats seafood, maybe the scale of what is normal is skewed a bit towards babies whose mothers eat abnormally during pregnany when it comes to protein and calories. We are a nation of overweight people and babies so how can we compare babies sizes really? Noah in my opinion is very healthy in there, just not a big baby. Sharon was little when born, I was little, maybe it runs in the family. Maybe I have no idea what I talking about because I am not a nutritionist/doctor/scientist :) :)

I just want to remain positive. Worrying and adding stress is only detrimental at this point. I just have a gut feeling he is alright. He has already beat many odds just to exist. He was meant to be. Sharon and I, against what we always thought, are meant to be parents. Everything will work out. And in the end, if for some reason we do not get a home birth, hell I was born in a hospital and I seem “fine” and I bet most of you out there were born in hospitals and survived, it just is not what we really want but the health of Noah is THE most important thing.